photo album

Pasqualino, chase the hare...

In attendance were Moon, Whiff, Noah, Death Marshall, Toy Box, Pine
Nuts, Isis, Digger, Donkey-ho-te, Purple Princess, Flicker, Date the
Mason, Golden Showers, Buffalo Nut.
We started late since it was evident people were having a hard time
locating Hash Start, maybe for it being outside Allegheny County
(Westmoreland County). Moon received a cellphone message from Purple
Princess which apparently overshot the location on Route 22 by ALOT,
and went as far as Blairsville in Indiana County. Noah mentioned that
his GPS burbed out the message "you have reached your destination" but
didn't specify that there is a cement barrier median that he has to
over. And although the address came straight from the restaurant
printed menu, the hare maps.googled it and it couldn't be precisely
located. So chalk talk was at 3 PM, to give Purple Princess a chance
to return to more densely-populated areas.
At chalk talk, the hare dumped a hundred or so ties on the ground and
ordered all to take their pick. At the question "where did you get
these", the answer was the obvious "from a flea market, of course".
After a quick chalk talk, a necessary and ritual formality in the
absence of New Boots, off they were sent across Route 22 and on to
abandoned railroad tracks.
Human nature took its form and display soon, with Donkey-Ho-Te
following literally the blue chalk arrow and crossing Turtle Creek,
wetting his footwear, when the marking really meant a detour from the
boring RR tracks into the creekside shiggy.
... and not much later, Purple Princess did the same, this
creek-crossing even in winterish weather like this, must be contageous.
With Purple Princess now on the other side ot the creek, and a FRB
running also on the other side from the opposite direction for an
inevitable collision, the beer-searchers crowd soon found true trail
towards a steep hillside to reach a check on a trail above.
Donkey-Ho-Te went right and found a false. Moon went uphill, all the
others went left. Donkey-Ho-Te, returning from the false, decided to
FOLLOW MOON. The rest of the pack kept on the trail to find a check
and a back-check. In the meantime, Flicker was guided by the hare to
be FRB briefly, soon to followed by the rest of the pack that solved
the back-check mystery.
Towards the vicinity of the first beer stop, the hare, who was
sweeping trail with three stragglers, was surprised to see that none
of the FRB found the beer yet. Soon, the entire pack (not including
Moon, Donkey-Ho-Te, Whiff) was standing at the last check. "Did you
look down?", finally someone said and ventured, and soon B mark and B
bag were found.
Death Marshall was in love with the Mendocino Belgian Style beer, Toy
Box took note for Toy Camp 2009. Dave the Mason carried a bottle for
Flicker that stayed in high-altitude after finding out from the hare
that the trail will continue up and above the hillside.
At the beer stop discussion went about the name of the hash,
Pasqualino Settebellezze, a movie starring Giancarlo Giannini. It
turns out Buffalo Nut saw the movie, and the conversation went about
how the character, now in a WWII nazi labor camp, strategizes his
survival by seducing the german Wermacht guard, a 400-lbs woman.
At beer stop end, the hashers were sent off to the second leg, to
summit the hill and finding the first mark of the second leg, a V for
View. From there, marks crossed the park from one end to the other,
on trail, pipeline, on the edge of the hill, down to creekside on a
narrow slice of footwork overlooking a creek below, leading some to
think "I hope this doesn't turn into another Flicker".
Isis and Digger decide to quit the second leg and return on foot to
the apres location (it was getting dark). Flicker, Dave the Mason,
Purple Princess, were given a park map by the hare with the info on
were the beer stop was, but never showed up for lack of time (it was
really getting dark).
At the beer stop, Moon and Donkey-Ho-Te were waiting for an hour and a
half. Moon, in gaining the hillside at 15 minutes into the hash,
found a trail in the upper part of the park, that was used for the
second leg of hash-trail. Soon, he and Donkey-Ho-Te found blue chalk
marks and found the second beer stop thinking it was designated to be
the first beer stop. 45 minutes later, Whiff showed up. Apparently
he found the last false in the first leg, and instead of returning to
the last check, which was positioned just 100 ft from the first beer
stop, he blew the false and reached the hilltop with the first marks
of the second leg, and went on in doing the entire hash-trail by
himself, until he found two companion-hungry hashers on a
gasoline-smelling creekside yelling BEER HERE ! BEER HERE !!
Yeah, Moon and Donkey-Ho-Te, now under the intoxicating influence of
gasoline and other petroleum bi-products (there was a large gasoline
spill just 5 days earlier), where fantasizing and concocting all sorts
of conspiracy plots, like moving the beer stop. And they sensed
something was not right, as they waited and waited and nobody showed
up for a long time.
On-In was almost in total darkness, but Whiff, sensing a instinct from
previous experience of the hare's previous trails, brought with him a
LED flashlight, and soon the guiding light for a pack of hashers at
the end the trail, looking for a route back to hash-start-and-end.
Apres was at Pasqualino's restaurant, and Steelers game on one screen,
and My Cousin Vinny the movie on another screen, with the pivotal
moment of Marisa Tomey being dragged in court as an automotive expert
and explaining why a 1964 Chevy Skylark can't leave tire tracks the
way the prosecutor presented.
Soon, apres attrition took over, and at circle, only five were
remaining: Donkey-Ho-Te, Purple Princess, Whiff, Moon, Sherpes.
Accusations were who missed a beer stop (all). Who (unnecessarily)
crossed the creek.