HASH The Sanctuary Much 420
HARE Sphinxxster
2PM Call to worship
2:30PM Prayer circle
Church of the Redeeming Panther Hollow trail soccer field parking lot, Schenley
Mass Agena: do penance - consume holy water - make true confession
Bring: prayer beads , mojos, gris gri, pentagrams ,amulets, censors, prayer
shawls, dijeridoos
Cant wait till " The Last Supper" to reach salivation ?
Fish your wish: receive abstinence, absolution , annullment and
algorithmick methodology from all your capital sins.
Some especially needy include naughty schoolgirls and altarboys, those
defrocked of the cloth, flagelatin' monks, nuns who
fell out of habit, mistresses of oblivion ,Maybe some will cum to seek proper
contrition , emission , exibition. Perhaps even PowerPump and /or her infamous
schpanking stick shall sow some disciplinany action .Remember: HLT is cumming,
look busy.
Hail Mabel, Black Label, full of froth
"There goes that call again...for the finest beer of all again."
Need a novena, or a tarot reading
Hare: 412 681 8387
cell 412 600 7047 (good luck)
Erections: Use Greenfield trail entrance off Saline St (off Greenfield Av) near
Big Jims to Panther Hollow trail soccer parking lot
or park at South Oakland entrance and walk. From 5th Av, take South Neville St
to its end at trail head / who said head / I'll have some of that.......
There is a
geocache nearby... from the Hash Start ("P") to the cache ("G") it is about 400 meters. GPS coordinates: N 40° 26.040 W 079° 57.017