True Trail to last beer stop was 5.5 miles
photo albumArticle on the Trib about the
Landslide farming communityArticle on the Post-Gazette
The farm house
almost got evictedbeer stop map for Noah

that's the map that the hare drew for Noah who couldn't run and corrupted the hare for beer stop locations. Noah used that map, and got to the Snack Stop 30 minutes before everyone else, so early that he called the hare to say "when are ying getting here? I am seriously outnumbered"
Harry Squatter, without a physical map, but certainly with a mental map, got to Beer Stop 2 after talking with the hare in two short phone calls: the first to get him into the vicinity of the Birmingham Bridge and Fifth, and the second to find specific features that identified the beer stop area. What's is interesting is that Harry Squatter walked from Greenfield neighborhood on the Eliza Furnace Trail, and there were marks on it for the leg between BS 2 and BS 3. I think he saw them but ignored them.
Sex Pak, while in the vicinity of BS 2, got to the false on Second Avenue, but then, instead of returning to the last check, chose to get on the bicycle trail and walk back to Bates St. He saw flour marks on trail and felt he was back on track (but he did miss BS 2).
Bible Banger also found the Second Avenue false, believing the hare was going to use the bike trail, but unlike Sex Pak, she did return to the last check and evenutally to the area where Beer Stop 2 was, and joined the party already in progress.
Beer Stop 2 "aim-off" was a back check 8, off a ruined stone wall. Everyone except Mexi Pad looked sideways into the ruins. Mexi, for his curiosity of ruined buildings and addiction to fixing them, eventually spotted Harry Squatter that was standing on top of the slope beyond the ruins. He saw people walking by, but chose not to reveal himself. After all, he had a tank full will a gallon of East End Brewer Snow Melt fuel to slowly consume.
Noah, Buffalo Nut, Bito-Honey, HypnoTits and others, were sent ahead of the FRBs thanks to the hare short-cutting marks for them, but once they reached the back check 8, they chose not to return. They had enough. The FRBs pack 1 did return, and at the same time, FRBs pack 2 were approaching. They conferenced and determined which was the eight mark, and suddenly 10 hashers showed up at the beer stop location.
Whiff never found BS 2, apparently he chose the 7th mark as "back check 8", and took another trail from a Y intersection, found the red tent of a homeless guy, continued up the hill that eventually led him to the steps and victorian castle that was walked upon on the leg between Chatam College and Snack Stop. Whiff eventually found BS 2 and no hashers (we left) so he caught up with the pack by the time we were in the climbing stage halfway between BS 2 and BS 3.
According to a very short email from WMD, he and No Code, instead of descending to Chatam College from the Petersen event area, they chose high ground, and somehow found marks (I don't know how they did it, but very clever, because the hare didn't put any marks on sidewalks) and eventually reached the check under the Birgingham bridge. I don't think they found BS 2 or BS 3.
On Forbes, a young man approached the pack and asked if we were hashers. He identified himself as a student from Eire, and said he hashed there. We invited him to join in, but was busy with school work.
The first BS was supposed to be a Saloon on Atwood one block from Forbes, but apparently they open at 7, so Gooey Decimal, who was there first thanks for technology on trail getting advance tips from the hare, sent the pack to a second BS potential outlet, but that was closed too. Eventually, all these univ of Pitt graduates settled for a third choice, Peter's Pub, and an impromptu B mark was chalked in front of that fine establishment. 10 minutes later, the hare received a call from WMD, like "where the F are you", and soon he too was able to join the rest of the pack.
Golden Showers was never seen again after the first 15 minutes. He saw the checks that the hare re-chalked with arrows while the hare was sweeping, but apparently mis-interpreted the directionality of an arrow pointing from the Mary Schenley fountain to the back of the Katz business school, and went for a solo run towards the Cathedral of Learning never to be seen again.
At Mad Mex, the waiter at the bar was very very fast in getting food and beverages to people. Thanks to Golden Showers sweet-talk, the manager gave happy hour prices for chips and dips.
Sphinx, Reptile, Titty Boy pimped.
Reptile Dysfunction showed off his pets, safely stored inside a cotton sheet pillow case. The indian food store in Atwood had its owner and children walk out in terror to see the herpetologist demonstration, but, no need to worry, these aren't Indian cobras.
For circle down downs, we left Mad Mex at 7 PM and reached the Saloon that was closed earlier. It was still closed. Gooey Decimal again to the rescue of the Lost Hasher Crowd, and directed the pack to Spice Cafe, an underground and dark space below a indian restaurant.
Just Andy was almost named. He picked up a used CVS drugstore badge that the hare circled with flour, and he pinned his chest with it. For being the only one to do that meant something, maybe an urge to be named, as the badge name was erased. names being thrown: Cockstumer Service, Pin Me Name, No Stinking Badges. But there wasn't enough karma and once again, the naming was delegated for future time.
Just Jen was named. I think I heard "Jizabell".
Just ... was named. the exact spelling not sure, but phonetically was like "Kunt Fu Weisel".