trail was only 2.4 milesin the poem, the reference to the Bugle from Reading is a hasher from Reading, PA, who runs with a bugle, that coincidentally they bumped into outside the front door of Mad Mex last night. Folker is a hasher from Pgh that also runs with a bugle.
It was the night of the wolf moon, and all through the land,
11 hashers were assembled to see what was at hand.
With Sherpes to lead them through hill and through dale.
To stop at each dumpster and search for the Holy Grail.
The trail would be hard to see and so was the moon.
And the rain caused the snow to be gone very soon.
From Big Jims they wandered out upon the tracks,
They slipped and they slided, some might never come back.
Towards Schenley and parts of Oakland that oft are not seen,
This determined band was traveling lean.
Finally they made it to Uncle Jimmy's for beer,
Most of them that is, as Moon and 3 others disappeared.
Around the corner they were, at Mad Mex it seems,
So the pack joined them there, for more beer and beans.
Though Folker wasn't here, a Bugle was found.
She hails from Reading and was out on the town.
There was an 'H' stop and Monica was there,
And a vacant house with more beer to share.
Loaded with goodies only hashers would love,
Like heavenly gifts sent from above.
We finally made it back to Big Jims
For some eats and drink, and the singing of hymns.
The night was over and it was time to go home.
Because tomorrow is another hash, with more land to roam.
Hairy Squatter
Mexi Pad
Bito Honey
Golden Shower
Doggie Style
Death Marchall
Purple Princess