The extended trail continued the trail towards south to reach the powerline clearing (check mark), descend it a bit, then continue south to the western side of the Poets Corner apartments, managed by Union Real Estate, crossing a few deeply rutted ravines in typical hasher style, with markings were in white paint. Then, a second powerline, descending that, to the creek below and a big B mark on a tree, with cave nearby. Two black garbage bags with the loot. The extended trail then continued north following the creek, with several checks, and reconnected with the hares's true trail.
Curiously, Sherpes found the beer stop NOT by following its intended directionality, but backwards (small yellow dots). He was back from the pack, the FRB already ahead on the extended trail, then saw DJ returning back, and when Sherpes pointed to a False mark on a tree, DJ said "someone is with my trail. True trail goes that way...". A check below at trail intersection, and going straight down towards the creek, a second check. Sherpes and Hairy Squatter went left (south) traveling parallel to the creek, yelling On-On at every mark. Eventually, Hairy Squatter returned after hearing DJ's calling for Hash Back ("1" on map). At the intersection of the powerline and creek, Sherpes could see three hashers very high above hillside along powerline ("2" on map, red shirt suggests it was newboot geologist) and yelled "Check" to them, but never to see them again (they too were called back by DJ). Sherpes found the beer stop, small cavern on an overhanging cliff was the obvious spot to hide the staff, climbed up, and well hidden, two black bags, typical B stop, opened the garbage bags and displayed the loot, and waited waited waited for the others to arrive. (never happened). Then, trying to figure out what was happening, found trail marks on the other side of creek and followed it, finding the Poets Corner apartments, adjacent streets, top of two powerlines, recconecting with the hares's true trail, returned to mystery beer stop thinking by this time, the pack was there (wasn't), met ATVers, offered them a beer (they kindly refused), waited again, scouted trail and other falses, then, speculated a theory that the two falses (yellow "F" on map) were too close to each other and that basically the entire pack shortcutted the entire beer stop trail, and eventually decided it was time to move on, and found trail (and tons of falses) that lead to model airplane field.
That undeveloped area of South Park is called Sleepy Hollow, well known by one of the hares.
The eagle trail to the turkey rendezvous was 7.5 miles. From South Park, then into the southern area of Jefferson Memorial Park, went by an artificial turf soccer field, then reached the tallest cell tower on top of a hill.
The Turkey trail was 4.5 miles long
Pit stop from the 1950's

First beer stop

Abbandoned school

Ancient lone gravesite near the tallest cell tower

Second beer stop

Near the department of energy labs

Recconecting with the turkeys

Mystery beer stop

This is typically DJ's beer

Model Airplane field

South Park beer stop, but yinz didn't leave any bear

View of beer stop location with tortilla chips back carried from previous beer stop

Online photo album
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